US-based online sports betting and gaming operator BetMGM has awarded a $180,000 grant to the International Center for Responsible Gaming (ICRG).
The money will be used to fund research, including studies into the impact of advertising on problem gambling. It will also help support the center’s nationwide responsible gambling education program.
Commenting on the grant, Arthur Paikowsky, President of the ICRG, said: “We are pleased to accept this historic contribution from BetMGM. Findings from this evidence-based research study will allow us to better identify potential risks and guide best practices for the gaming industry. We commend BetMGM for partnering with us to better inform the public, operators, regulators, legislators, and the media.”

While Richard Taylor, Senior Manager of Responsible Gaming at BetMGM, added: “Investment into research around responsible gaming is key to our continued education and commitment to providing best-in-class experiences and programs, as well as to ensuring a sustainable industry. This groundbreaking research will not only provide valuable learnings to BetMGM but will also serve as a guide for the industry and key stakeholders.”
Founded in Massachusetts in 1996 as the National Center for Responsible Gaming (NCRG), in January 2020, the organization was renamed the International Center for Responsible Gaming (ICRG). It is committed to funding research that helps increase the understanding gambling disorder and find effective treatments.
The ICRG is funded by donations from commercial and Indian casino operators, gaming equipment manufacturers, vendors, ICRG board members, gaming employees and other individuals.